
HOME > Products > 星空真人:Audio Power Amplifier IC > 星空真人:Stereo ClassD Audio Power Amplifier

2×10.9W Class D Audio Amplifier with Flexible Limiter
HT876 is a stereo Class D and Class AB audio amplifier, which can deliver 2×10.9W (4Ω Load, BTL mode) power at the condition of VDD = 9.0V, THD+N = 10%, 1kHz sine wave in Class D mode.HT876 integrates adjustable Limiter Function, which can be set by a resistor at the LIM pin to ground or AVDD, so that the output music can be limited below the preset power and THD+N. The HT876 Thermal Foldback (TFB) is designed to protect the HT876 from excessive die temperature in case of the device being operated beyond the recommended temperature or power limit (more easily happened in Class AB mode), or with a weaker thermal system than recommended. The TFB works by reducing the on-die power dissipation by reducing Gain if the temperature trig point is exceeded, so that the peak audio power is significantly increased.HT876 has a filter-less modulation circuit which can directly drive speakers. HT876 can be shut down so that the power consumption can be minimized. As for protection function, over temperature protection function and low supply voltage malfunction preventing function are also prepared.

  • Flexible Limiter Function adjusted by outside resistor so that the output music is limited under a preset THD+N and power
  • Integrated Thermal Foldback (TFB) Function
  • Significantly increase the peak audio power
  • Paralleled Bridge Tied Load (PBTL)
  • Both Class D and Class AB is available
  • THD+N: 0.02%(VDD = 8.4V, RL = 4Ω, fIN = 1kHz, Po = 2×1.0W, BTL)

  • Output Power (fIN = 1kHz, THD+N = 10%)
    2×10.9W (VDD=9.0V, RL=4Ω, BTL)
    18W (VDD=8.4V, RL=2Ω, PBTL)

  • Power Supply VDD: 2.5V~9.8V
  • Multiple Gain Available: 21dB, 25.5dB, 30dB
  • Filter-less Modulation
  • Thermal/Low voltage malfunction prevention function with auto recovery
  • Pb-free Packages, TSSOP20L-PP

  • Bluetooth/Smart Speakers 
  • Portable Speakers
  • 2.1Channel Speakers    
  • Megaphone
  • Portable Gamers          
  • MP4, GPS
  • LCD TV/Monitor      
  • Tablet PC/Note Book



HT876B TerminalNo.PIN NAMEI/ODescription
1, 3, 11, 20NC/No connection inside the device, connect to GND for better thermal performance
2AVDDPAnalog power supply terminal
4INL+IPositive input terminal (differential+) for left channel
5INL-INegative input terminal (differential-) for left channel
6INR-INegative input terminal (differential-) for right channel
7INR+IPositive input terminal (differential+) for right channel

Class AB and Class D switch terminal; configure the device to operate in Class AB mode when it is
pulled high, and Class D mode when it is pulled low

9MUTEIMute control terminal; configure the device to operate in mute mode when it is pulled high
10LIMILimiter function terminal; disable the function when it is pulled low
12GAINOGain selection terminal
13OUTR+OPositive output terminal (BTL+) for right channel
14PVDDROPower supply terminal for right channel
15OUTR-ONegative output terminal (BTL-) for right channel
16OUTL-ONegative output terminal (BTL-) for left channel
17PVDDLPPower supply terminal for left channel
18OUTL+OPositive output terminal (BTL+) for left channel
19ENIEnable terminal; the device goes into shutdown mode when it is pulled low
PADGNDGPower ground

 I: input, O: output, P: power, G: ground

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