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5.2W Anti-Clipping Mono Class D/AB Audio Amplifier with Adaptive Charge Pump Regulator
HT8310 is a Class D audio amplifier which can deliver continuous 5.2W output power into a 4Ω speaker with 4.2V battery supply when THD+N = 10%. The class D audio amplifier’s power supply is adaptively boosted by the integrated charge pump regulator which only works while the output power is big enough. This will significantly extend the playing time in battery supply applications.HT8310 features Anti-Clipping Function (ACF) which detects output signal clip due to the over input signal and suppresses the output signal clip automatically. Also, it can adapt the output clip caused by power supply voltage down. It can significantly improve the sound quality, creating a very comfortable musical enjoyment, and to protect the speakers from overload damage. It provides 4 different ACF modes and ACF OFF mode to adjust different applications.Class AB amplifier mode is also available for HT8310. Once the EMI Interference from class D and Boost Converter becomes an annoying problem, HT8310 can be changed into Class AB mode.HT8310 has a filter-less modulation circuit which directly drives speakers while realizes low distortion and low noise characteristics. Thanks to filter-less, circuit design with fewer external parts can be made in portable applications.HT8310 has an internal gain of 28dB and an independent Shutdown function which can minimize the power consumption. As for protection function, over current protection function for speaker output terminals, over temperature protection function, and low supply voltage malfunction preventing function are also prepared.

  • 4 modes of Anti-Clipping Function (ACF)
  • Adaptive Charge Pump Regulator
  • Maximum Voltage Gain: 28dB
  • Output Power

    5.2W (VBAT=4.2V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)
    4.0W (VBAT=3.7V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)
    3.0W (VBAT=3.3V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)

  • Efficiency
    84% (VBAT = 3.7V, RL = 4 Ω, Po = 0.4W)
    75% (VBAT = 3.7V, RL = 4 Ω, Po = 2.0W)

  • Power Supply
    -Input VBAT:2.7V to 5.5V
    -Output CPOUT:6.4V

  • Quiescent Current: 3mA
  • Shutdown Current:<1uA
  • Class AB / Class D selectable
  • Filter-less Modulation, Eliminating Output Filter
  • Over Current Protection, Thermal Protection, Low voltage malfunction prevention function included
  • Pb-Free Packages , SOP16L-PP, QFN16L-PP


  • Portable Audio Devices 
  • Smart Phones

  • Smart Speakers  
  • Wireless Speakers



SOPTerminal No.QFNTerminal No.NameI/OESDProtectionDescription
115PVBATPOWERPNPower supply for the charge pump regulator
216CPIPNFlying capacitor positive terminal
31CNIPNFlying capacitor negative terminal
42CGNDGND--Ground for the charge pump regulator
53AGNDGND--Analog ground
64ACFIPNACF selection terminal. ACF is disabled when it is pulled to VBAT directly.
75CTRLIPNMode selection terminal. When it is pulled low, the device goes into shutdown mode.
86AVBATPOWERPNAnalog power supply
97IN+IPNPositive audio input terminal
108IN-IPNNegative audio input terminal
119BYPASSOPNAnalog reference terminal, connecting a 1uF capacitor to ground
1210OUT+OPNPositive BTL audio output
1311PGNDGND--Power ground for audio amplifier
1412PVDDPOWERPNPower supply for audio amplifier
1513OUT-OPNNegative BTL audio output
1614CPOUTPOWERPNBoosted voltage output of the charge pump regulator
 I: Input; O: Output
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