
HOME > Products > 星空真人:Audio Power Amplifier IC > 星空真人:Headphone Amplifier

125mW Direct Drive Line Drivers/Headphone Amplifiers with 3D-Surround and Bass-Boost
The HT97230 is a differential input Direct Drive line driver/headphone amplifier, which can also drive single-ended input signal. It is capable of driving line level loads with 3VRMS into 1kΩ with a 5V supply and 2VRMS into 600Ω loads from a 3.3V supply. A headphone load is capable of being driven with 125mW into 32Ω with a 5V supply.The IC performs excellent 3D surround technology realizing natural surround sound field regarded center orientation. The IC also integrates dynamic bass boost technology to provide graceful bass sound with low distortion. Both 3D surround and bass boost function is adjustable through external resistors and capacitors.The IC is offered with an externally set gain through external resistors (or an inter­nally fixed 6dB gain which needs to be pre-booked. The external gain setting nodes can also be used to configure filters for set-top box applica­tions. The IC has exceptional THD+N over the full audio bandwidth.Two versions of the IC can be chosen with different turn-on times (tON). The versions for headphone applications feature a tON of 5.5ms while the version, intended for set-top-box applications, which needs to be pre-booked, feature a 130ms tON. An on-chip charge pump inverts the power-supply input, creating a negative rail. The output stage of the amplifier is powered between the positive input sup­ply and the output of the charge pump. The bipolar sup­plies bias the output about ground, eliminating the need for large, distortion-introducing output coupling capaci­tors. The IC shutdowns and startups without click-pop noise.The IC is available in a 4mm x 4mm, 24-pin QFN-PP and is specified over the extended -40°C to +85°C temperature range. 20-pin QFN-PP is also available only when pre-booked.        

  • Adjustable 3D Surround Function

  • Adjustable Bass Boost Function

  • Direct Drive Outputs Eliminate DC-Blocking Capacitors, Save Space

  • Excellent Bass Fidelity
  • Shutdown and Startup without any Click-Pop Noise

  • Exceptional Low THD+N: 0.001% Minimum

  • Absolutely Low Noise and High SNR Performance, VN: 7μV, SNR: 112dB

  • Differential or Single-Ended Input

  • Wide 2.5V to 5.5V Operating Range

  • Output Power: 125mW (fIN = 1kHz, VDD=5V, RL=32Ω, THD+N=1%);

  • Output Voltage Swing:

    3Vrms (fIN = 1kHz, VDD=5V, RL=1k, THD+N<0.1%);
    2Vrms (fIN = 1kHz, VDD=3.3V, RL=600Ω, THD+N<0.1%);

  • Pb Free Packages, QFN24L-PP 4mm*4mm, Extremely Simple BOM Needed


  • Prosumer Audio Devices     
  • Televisions

  • Headphones          
  • Set-Top Boxes
  • Simple Multimedia Interfaces
  • Blue-ray and DVD Players




1PVDDCharge-Pump Power-Supply Input. Bypass to PGND with 1uF.
2C1PPositive Flying Capacitor Connection. Connect a 0.1uF capacitor between C1P and C1N.
3PGNDPower Ground. Connect PGND and SGND together at the system ground plane.
4C1NNegative Flying Capacitor Connection. Connect a 0.1uF capacitor between C1P and C1N.
5PVSSNegative Charge-Pump Output. Bypass to PGND with 1uF.
6SGNDSignal Ground. Connect PGND and SGND, SGND1 together at the system ground plane.
7SGND1Signal Ground. Connect PGND and SGND, SGND1 together at the system ground plane.
8D3R3D Control Pin
9INRNFRight Channel Feedback.
10BASSRRight Channel Bass Control Output.
11INR+Right Positive Polarity Input
12INR-Right Negative Polarity Input
13SVDD2Signal Path Power-Supply Input. Bypass to PGND with 1uF. Connect directly to PVDD.
14OUTRRight Direct Drive Output
15BIASInternal Supply Node. Bypass to PGND with 0.1uF.
16OUTLLeft Direct Drive Output
17CTLMode Control Terminal
18SVDDSignal Path Power-Supply Input. Bypass to PGND with 1uF. Connect directly to PVDD.
19INL-Left Negative Polarity Input
20INL+Left Positive Polarity Input
21BASSLLeft Channel Bass Control Output
22INLNFLeft Channel Feedback
23D3L3D Control Pin
24nSHDNActive-Low Shutdown. Drive nSHDN High for Normal Operation.
EPExposed Pad. Connect to System Ground.
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