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2*30W I2S Input Stereo Class D Amplifier
The HT560 is a stereo Class D audio amplifier with an I2S input serial port. It supports a variety of audio clock configurations via two speed modes.The outputs of the HT560 can be configured to drive two speakers in stereo BTL mode or mono PBTL mode.The HT560 also includes hardware and I2C control modes, integrated digital clipper, AGC, several gain options, and a wide power supply operating range to enable use in a multitude of applications.An optimal mix of thermal performance and device cost is provided in the 110-mΩ RDS(ON) of the output MOSFETs. Additionally, a thermally enhanced 36-Pin QFN provides excellent operation in the elevated ambient temperatures found in modern consumer electronic devices.

  • Power supply: 4.5V – 26.4V
  • Audio Performance
    - Output Power (BTL

       2×30W (PVDD=24V, RL=8Ω, THD+N=1%)
    - Output Power (PBTL)
       60W (PVDD=24V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=1%)
    - THD+N=0.02% (PVDD=24V, RL=8Ω, Po=1W)
    - Noise: 75uV (Gain = 25.2dB, A weighted)
    - Efficiency: 91 % (PVDD=12V, RL=4Ω, Po=10W)
  • Audio I/O Configuration
    - Single Stereo I2S Input
    - BTL or PBTL output
    - 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96kHz Sample Rates

  • General Operational Features
    - Selectable Hardware or I2C Control mode
    - Integrated Digital Output Clipper and AGC
    - Integrated Thermal Foldback Function
    - Programmable I2C Address (110110x[R/W])
    - Adjustable Switching Frequency for Class D

  • Robustness Features
     Clock Error, DC, and Short-Circuit Protection
    Overtemperature and Programmable Overcurrent Protection

  • Packages
    Pb-free Packages, QFN36L

  • Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Speakers
  • Portable Speakers
  • Smart speakers         
  • LCD TV/Monitor
  • Sound Bars, Docking stations, PC Audio


Terminal No.NameI/ODescription
1\FAULTOSpeaker amplifier fault terminal, which is pulled LOW when an internal fault occurs
2\SDIPlaces the speaker amplifier in shutdown mode while pulled down.
3FREQ/SDAIDual function pin that functions as an I²C data input pin in I²C Control Mode or as a Frequency Select terminal when in Hardware Control Mode.
4PBTL/SCLIDual function pin that functions as an I²C clock input terminal in I²C Control Mode or configures the device to operate in pre-filter Parallel Bridge Tied Load (PBTL) mode when in Hardware Control Mode.
5DVDDPPower supply for the internal digital circuitry
6GAIN0IAdjusts the LSB of the multi-bit gain of the speaker amplifier
7GAIN1IAdjusts the MSB of the multi-bit gain of the speaker amplifier

In Hardware Control Mode, places the speaker amplifier in sleep mode. In I2C Control Mode, is used to determine the I²C Address of the device

9MCLKIMaster Clock used for internal clock tree, sub-circuit/state machine, and Serial Audio Port clocking
10SCLKIBit clock for the digital signal that is active on the serial data port's input data line
11SDINIData line to the serial data port
12LRCKIWord select clock for the digital signal that is active on the serial port's input data line
13DGNDGGround for digital circuitry (NOTE: This pin should be connected to the system ground)
14NC-Not connected inside the device (all "no connect" pins should be connected to ground for best thermal performance, however they can be used as routing channels if required.)
15LIMISelects mode of Digital Output Clipper or AGC
16AVDDPPower supply for internal analog circuitry
17PVDDBPPower Supply for internal power circuitry of Channel B
19BSB+BSTConnection point for the OUTB+ bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTB+
20OUTB+OPositive pin for differential speaker amplifier output B
21OUTB-ONegative pin for differential speaker amplifier output B
22BSB-BSTConnection point for the OUTB- bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTB-
23PGNDGGround for power device circuitry (NOTE: This terminal should beconnected to the system ground)
24BSA-BSTConnection point for the OUTA- bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTA-
25OUTA-ONegative pin for differential speaker amplifier output A
26OUTA+OPositive pin for differential speaker amplifier output A
27BSA+BSTConnection point for the OUTA+ bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTA
28PVDDAPPower Supply for internal power circuitry of Channel A
31GGNDGGround for gate drive circuitry (this terminal should be connected to the system ground)
32GVDDOVoltage regulator derived from PVDD supply (NOTE: This pin is provided as a connection point for filtering capacitors for this supply and must not be used to power any external circuitry)
33SFT_CLIPISets the maximum output voltage before clipping (Limiter Level)
34ANA_REGPVoltage regulator derived from AVDD supply (NOTE: This terminal is provided as a connection point for filtering capacitors for this supply and must not be used to power any external circuitry)
35VCOMPBias voltage for internal PWM conversion block

Connection point for internal reference used by ANA_REG and VCOM filter capacitors. And connect to system GND net.




Provides both electrical and thermal connection from the device to the board. A matching ground pad must be provided on the PCB and the device connected to it via solder. For proper electrical operation, this ground pad must be connected to the system ground.

I: Input; O: Output; G: Ground; P: Power; BST: BOOT Strap
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